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Working in partnership with leading storage, we combine partner services and storage systems with partner products to deliver complete storage and storage solutions for all data scenarios provided through a single point-of-contact. Our joint all-in-one storage solutions simplify operations and enable our customers to optimize their IT investment.

Primary Storage Solutions

  • Data growth will outpace the provisioning of storage system capacities
  • Storage systems will be required to reliably provide constantly growing data volumes with minimum latency
  • Storage will have to ensure uninterrupted access to huge quantities of data
  • Storage solutions with smart data efficiency functions will be needed to help organize storage systems and make the right data available at the right time

Data Protection Solutions

  • Scalability and performance that enables rigorous consolidation of backup infrastructures
  • Highly developed, automated high-availability and disaster recovery functions
  • Easy and efficient guarantee of backup and restore service availability
  • Appliance concept with leading backup, archiving and deduplication functions